Our Company

Welcome to our exclusive world of luxury executive services, where we cater to the unique requirements of the Discerning Few based outside of the U.S. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional support and business concierge services tailored to your discerning lifestyle and complex business and personal interests.  Based in New York City, RuKa has over two decades of experience in business intelligence and executive support.

Your Business Is Our Business!

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  • At our core, we are your dedicated allies, committed to elevating your lifestyle and optimizing your endeavors. Discover the epitome of luxury, discretion, and excellence that defines our bespoke executive solutions.
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  • At RuKa's Luxury Executive Services, we take pride in serving as your dedicated partner and liaison, ensuring that every aspect of your life and business runs smoothly and efficiently. Our mission is to exceed your expectations, providing unparalleled support and exclusive solutions that elevate your lifestyle and contribute to your continued success.

What we do

  • We at RuKa provide personalized and exclusive executive support services to High-net-Worth Individuals and Ultra-High-net-Worth Individuals and their families based outside the U.S. We have cultivated a vast network of reputable vendors, professionals, and experts across all walks of life, ensuring that you have access to the best resources available. We work relentlessly to make sure that all “i”s are dotted, and all “t”s are crossed.

Why we get results

  • Our clients’ success fuels our enthusiasm. Giving You quality of life is Our best reward.