

ABRIDGE2THRIVE is an incubator and an accelerator dedicated to answering the eminent needs and changes of the employment market and professional ecosystem.

Our Focus

To fill the void of the labor landscape left by COVID-19 epidemic and facilitate professional development for women, ABRIDGE2THRIVE offers an opportunity to learn high in-demand skills, apply skills to practical use to generate income, start your own enterprise in the busiest and most demanded industry, and learn work/life balance.


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  • Excelsior program offers an opportunity to learn business management and administration skills. Students will learn the full scope and all aspects of running a small business during their time with the program. The program's focus is administrative support, bookkeeping, payroll, HR solutions, project management, and mediation skills.
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  • Luminary program is designed for women who have experience with business management and administration during their careers. Students will be taught advanced negotiation skills, client retention techniques, independent thinking and decision making, project management, and applying their skills to start their own company.
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  • Rubicon program offers professional women from other industries a pathway to transition to business administration while applying their unique skills and knowledge. Students will be taught a relevant skillset and mentored through the process of starting up their own company.


ABridge2Thrive connects the graduates with mentors and assists in starting and accelerating their own companies while applying RuKa's method and philosophy of maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Women constitute a considerable part of the labor force. The hardship imposed by COVID-19 has hit them the hardest. WE ARE HERE TO OFFER A BRIDGE TO CONTINUE THRIVING.